Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016 timeline

Fredericksburg, VA

Rumor has it that we are in for a major snow event. Crippling they say! It is hard to believe as at 8:00 this morning, this was what I saw.

Hmm... nothing yet.

My plan is to update every hour to show the difference.

Here it is at 12:45 p.m.

1:45 p.m.

2:45  The truck has left as Gary went to Lowes! Crazy guy!

3:45 Gary is back. We only have about 1 1/2 inches so far. I will take photos as long as I can. I will get dark soon.

4:40 I had to post a bit early as I am making bread. We have about 2 1/2 inches right now.

I'm adding a different picture. My daughter is in North Carolina, near Raleigh. They are getting ice. Her power just went out and she has been hearing tree limbs cracking everywhere. This is her driveway.

5:45 I was out shoveling. We have about 4 or so inches

No more pictures tonight. It is getting too dark to see what is going on. We have close to 5 inches now. Our dog, Fergus, loves it! It scares me though as he wants to play and it is slippery!

9;45 PM  One more photo before bed. I took Fergus for a walk and he LOVED it! I promise tomorrow I will post a picture of him, but for now here is the usual view, with the flash.

January 22, 2016, 7:45

It is miserable outside, windy, snowy, and cold. I have no idea how much snow is out there, as there are drifts. If I were to guess, I would say around 12 inches.  I don't have a clue how to get Fergus out this morning. The plows are working on clearing the roads and our sidewalks are also getting clear. To get from the house to the sidewalk is a feat all in itself! But I did for a picture.

8:00 AM  We braved the weather and went out. Fergus is thrilled but he is hard to find! The snow was supposed to be wet, but this stuff is dry and I am unable to make a snowball. Darn!!


9:40 AM

Up to over 14 inches now. A pain to shovel! Here is a photo of Gary's truck.

10:45 AM  Gary is shoveling a path from our front porch, then between the cars to the sidewalk. I don't think he is having fun.

Gary is still shoveling! All the neighbors are out shoveling their driveways. The wind is blowing so much and the snow continues to come down. As I said, they plow our sidewalks and our streets, but now there is the huge pile at the end of the driveway to the road. I guess at some point in time they will remove that stuff too, but I think that is a low priority. I started to clear it so I could get to the street easily and take photos, and a guy in his snow plow saw me doing this and plowed a good amount away. YAY!

                                                                I figured I should also do a selfie. Very attractive! 

1:00 Lunchtime! What sounds better on a cold and blustery day than grilled cheese and Bloody Marys? 


I love my cast iron pan! Vermont cheddar cheese, Cabot, and served on our Bennington Potter dishes. Oh, and by the way, it's still snowing and blowing out there!

1:45 PM  Took Fergus for another walk. Wow is it blowing out there!

Here is a video of the craziness!

4:45 PM

Still snowing and blowing. Terrible wind and just freezing out there. I took Fergus for another walk and almost fell several times and almost got stuck in a mega snow drift. I did a video but turned the camera in the middle, so it is hard to see. The visibility is horrible with all of this wind blowing the snow.

Midway through the walk, I thought I would facetime with my daughter, Tammie. Probably not the smartest thing to do. I had to take my glove off to place the call and then couldn't get it back on. Finally did, but by the time I got back to the house, my phone literally froze and just shut down! Thankfully it is working again!

Here is a picture of our neighborhood.

Our front door... and we have a covered porch!

9:34 PM

The last photo of the night. It is lightly snowing and the winds are dying down. We were able to see the full moon when we walked Fergus. This picture will show the drifts and the plowing. 

Whew, day is done!

1/24/16 Sunday morning.

What a difference a day makes. Sunshine!!!Though after hearing what happened further north from us, I realize we were spared. Still all and all, it was a storm to remember. The worst for us was the wind, it blew so much that it created bare spots, in the areas between the houses, and then huge drifts next to it. It is now impossible to measure.with all of the swirling and whirling!

Below is a view of our neighbors lawn, bare spot. I can't get a picture of mine due to the drifts. This one was through the window of our screened porch. I can't open the door to get to our deck as the snow is blocking it!! 

This will be my last update on the Blizzard of 2016, Snowzilla, or Snownino. Take your pick on a name I guess.